[oracle@lunar admin]$ grep "create table obj" * c1002000.sql:create table objerror$ dcore.bsq:create table obj$ /* object table */ dcore.bsq:create table objerror$ dcore.bsq:create table objauth$ /* table authorization table */ dcore.bsq:create table objpriv$ /* privileges granted to objects */ dmanage.bsq:create table object_usage /* object usage statistics */ utlmmig.sql:create table obj$mig /* object table */ [oracle@lunar admin]$
--CATCTL -S Initial scripts single process @@cdstrt ---依次调用 : Rem Run CATALOG and CATPROC session initialization script @@catpses.sql --catpses.sql - CATalog and CATProc SESsion script --Rem Assure CHAR semantics are not used in the dictionary ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=BYTE; rem Load PL/SQL Package STANDARD first, so views can depend upon it @@standard [root@ebsdba1 admin]# cat standard.sql @@stdspec.sql ---里面是各种标准数据类型 @@stdbody.sql ---一些标准函数 grant execute on STANDARD to public; [root@ebsdba1 admin]# @@dbmsstdx --调用stdext.sql - Kernel extensions to package standard --Rem DESCRIPTION --Rem Routines in this package do not need to be qualified by the owner or package name, --Rem similar to the behaviour of package 'standard'. This package mostly contains utility routines for triggers. Rem Load registry so catalog component can be defined @@catcr --这个脚本本身是创建加载到数据库中的部件的registry信息相关的数据字典和存储过程等的(CATalog Component Registry) --This script creates the data dictionary elements and package for the registry of components that have been loaded into the database --例如CREATE TABLE registry$,CREATE TABLE registry$schemas,CREATE TABLE registry$log,PACKAGE dbms_registry等等 --它调用catcrsc.sql( Rem Server Components script) @@catcrsc : catcrsc.sql - CATalog Component Registry Server Components This script contains constants used to identify SERVER components and the associated upgrade/downgrade/patch/reload scripts --即,PACKAGE dbms_registry_server,其包含了已经注册的一些服务器部件的常量的定义,比如: -- Path names JAVAVM_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/javavm/install/'; CATJAVA_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; XML_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/xdk/admin/'; XDB_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; RAC_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; OLS_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; EXF_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; OWM_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; ORDIM_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/ord/im/admin/'; SDO_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/md/admin/'; CONTEXT_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/ctx/admin/'; ODM_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; WK_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; MGW_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/mgw/admin/'; AMD_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/olap/admin/'; APS_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/olap/admin/'; XOQ_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/olap/admin/'; EM_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/'; RUL_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; APEX_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/apex/'; DV_path CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '?/rdbms/admin/'; @@cdfixed.sql --Catalog FIXED views,Objects which reference fixed views --即,该脚本创建了大部分的gv_和v_的动态性能视图,例如: create or replace view v_$dataguard_status as select * from v$dataguard_status; create or replace public synonym v$dataguard_status for v_$dataguard_status; grant select on v_$dataguard_status to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view v_$thread as select * from v$thread; create or replace public synonym v$thread for v_$thread; grant select on v_$thread to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$process as select * from v$process; create or replace public synonym v$process for v_$process; grant select on v_$process to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$bgprocess as select * from v$bgprocess; create or replace public synonym v$bgprocess for v_$bgprocess; grant select on v_$bgprocess to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$session as select * from v$session; create or replace public synonym v$session for v_$session; grant select on v_$session to select_catalog_role; 。。。。。。。。。。。 create or replace view gv_$sqltext as select * from gv$sqltext; create or replace public synonym gv$sqltext for gv_$sqltext; grant select on gv_$sqltext to select_catalog_role; create or replace view gv_$sqltext_with_newlines as select * from gv$sqltext_with_newlines; create or replace public synonym gv$sqltext_with_newlines for gv_$sqltext_with_newlines; grant select on gv_$sqltext_with_newlines to select_catalog_role; create or replace view gv_$sql as select * from gv$sql; create or replace public synonym gv$sql for gv_$sql; grant select on gv_$sql to select_catalog_role; 。。。。。。。。。。。 @@cdcore.sql --Catalog DCORE.bsq views,core objects。 --This script contains catalog views for objects in dcore.bsq --即,基于dcore.bsq(在sql.bsq中调用)中的对象而创建的数据字典(DBA_, ALL_, USER_) -- _CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ _ACTUAL_EDITION_OBJ _BASE_USER USER_CONS_COLUMNS ALL_CONS_COLUMNS --- DBA_CONS_COLUMNS LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS ALL_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS DBA_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS --- syscatalog_ syscatalog catalog --- tab col syssegobj sysfiles synonyms publicsyn --- TABLE_PRIVILEGES COLUMN_PRIVILEGES USER_LOBS, ALL_LOBS, and DBA_LOBS --- USER_CATALOG ALL_CATALOG DBA_CATALOG --- USER_INDEXES ALL_INDEXES DBA_INDEXES --- 等等,大部分的 DBA_, ALL_, USER_ --CATCTL -M @@cdplsql.sql ---cdplsql.sql - Catalog DPLSQL.bsq views,libraries, procedure, etc。 ---This script contains catalog views for objects in dplsql.bsq. --即,基于DPLSQL.bsq(在sql.bsq中被调用。dplsql.bsq包含了procedure,function等的相关基表)中的对象而创建的数据字典 --DPLSQL.bsq包含类似:create table procedure$ ,create table procedureinfo$ ,create table source$等等 @@cdsqlddl.sql --- Catalog DSQLDDL.bsq views. database links, dictionary, recyclebin objects, etc. --- This script contains Catalog Views for objects in dsqlddl.bsq --- 即,基于dsqlddl.bsq(在sql.bsq中被调用)中的对象而创建的数据字典。例如,database links, dictionary, recyclebin等等。 ---例如 create or replace view DICTIONARY(Online documentation for data dictionary tables and views ) ------- create or replace view USER_RECYCLEBIN(List of objects in recycle bin) [oracrp3@ebscrp3 admin]$ cat dsqlddl.bsq|grep recycle create table recyclebin$ create index recyclebin$_obj on recyclebin$(obj#) create index recyclebin$_ts on recyclebin$(ts#) create index recyclebin$_owner on recyclebin$(owner#) [oracrp3@ebscrp3 admin]$ @@cdmanage.sql --Catalog DMANAGE.bsq views. SQL tuning, SQL text, SQL profile, etc. This script contains catalog views for objects in dmanage.bsq -- create or replace view V$OBJECT_USAGE @@cdtxnspc.sql --Catalog DTXNSPC.bsq views. two phase commit objects. This script contains catalog views for objects in dtxnspc.bsq -- create or replace view ps1$ create or replace view DBA_2PC_PENDING create or replace view DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS @@cdenv.sql ----- Catalog DENV.bsq views. profiles, resources, etc. This script contains catalog views for objects in denv.bsq ----- DBA_PROFILES USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS ----- USER_USERS ALL_USERS DBA_USERS @@cdrac.sql ------ DBA_SERVICES ALL_SERVICES @@cdsec.sql ----- Catalog DSEC.bsq views . Privilege objects ------- SESSION_PRIVS SESSION_ROLES ROLE_SYS_PRIVS ROLE_TAB_PRIVS ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS ------- DBA_ROLES USER_SYS_PRIVS USER_PROXIES DBA_PROXIES PROXY_USERS_AND_ROLES ------- DBA_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES @@cdobj.sql ------- Catalog DOBJ.bsq views. Nested tables, directories, operators, types, etc .This script contains catalog views for objects in dobj.bsq ----- 调用 Rem Object views @@catadt --- This SQL script creates data dictionary views for showing meta-data information for types and other object features in the RDBMS ---This script must be run while connected as SYS or INTERNAL --- USER_TYPES, ALL_TYPES, and DBA_TYPES --- USER_NESTED_TABLE_COLS ALL_NESTED_TABLE_COLS DBA_NESTED_TABLE_COLS USER_NESTED_TABLES ALL_NESTED_TABLES --- ALL_DIRECTORIES --- USER_REFS, ALL_REFS, and DBA_REFS --- USER_VARRAYS DBA_VARRAYS ALL_VARRAYS --- USER_OPERATORS DBA_OPERATORS ALL_OPERATORS @@cdjava.sql @@cdpart.sql @@cdrep.sql @@cdaw.sql @@cdsummgt.sql @@cdtools.sql